Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why The Name Buttercream Queen?

This is why.  This is a cake I made two years ago just because.  It's a yellow cake covered in buttercream spaghetti, and topped with chocolate truffle meatballs.  The sauce is thinned rasberry jam.

This was Megan's birthday cake when she turned 6.  Her birthday is in May, and she asked for a Rudolph cake. 

So...that's why the name Buttercream Queen.  It's actually Buttercream B*tch because I won't let my family eat the homemade icing I make. 

I've been toying with the idea of making some money on the side -- all of which would be donated to Autism Research -- from my love of baking.  I just don't know where to start.  I thought I would start with the name, but I don't think Buttercream B*tch would look good on a business card.

Any thoughts?  I would love to hear them.

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