Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This Post Brought To You By The Number 15

If I woke up 15 minutes earlier each day, I would be able to flat iron my hair.  That's all it would take.  Instead, I hit snooze 3 times and struggle to go back to sleep.  I rush to get a shower (shave or not shave?) and allow my hair to dry on its own.  That means I allow it to become a hot mess.

If I spent 15 minutes each night making lunches, I wouldn't be rushing around the kitchen each morning with a a wet head.

I lost 15 pounds last October, and I am pretty sure I just found it this week.  Damn pants....

If I woke my daughter up 15 minutes earlier each morning, I'm pretty sure our hair brushing arguments would be kept at a minimum.

I spend about $15 each month on magazines -- all kinds and all varieties.  Cooking magazines?  Got 'em.  Sports?  Love 'em.  Mens?  We get 'em, and I read them before the hubby does.  My kid just got her first issue of Girls Life.  This month's was pretty good.

I own 15 Phillies baseball hats.  Actually, I'm sure I have more but I stopped counting at 15. 

I am 15 minutes late for (that place which should not named) each day.

School House Rocks lied.  3 is not the magic number.  It's 15.

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